Yaesu has notified Wires-X owners AGAIN that the latest version of their Wires-X software has been
Yaesu has just notified Wires-X owners that the latest version of their Wires-X software has been

August 9, 2018 - Trip to the VE7EGO Site on the Commonage for various activities


On this hot


Yaesu has just notified Wires-X owners that the latest version of their Wires-X software has been


VA7OKN, located up at SilverStar on 146.900- T123 is set to be retired.

The repeater was put into


ISS has been transmitting SSTV pictures for the last couple of weeks. Mostly images of satellites, etc


Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors

You're all invited.
NORAC is having a casual RAC Canada Day Contest event at my QTH in Lumby this

On the Friday evening before ARRL Field Day each year NORAC members put up our portable antenna

ARRL Field Day 2018

2017 Results

Club Callsign = CG7NOR *
Contacts Made = 186
Power Class = 2 (100 watts)
Operators =


June 11, 2018 - Trip to the VE7EGO Site on the Commonage for Repeater Swaps


Yaesu's DR-2X


Field Day 2018 “The Big List” - June 22, 23 & 24

Dates & Schedule

NORAC Club Meeting & Final Field


The process has started. The forms to request 2 new DR-2X repeaters (with networking) as trades for


May 20, 2018, Falkland, BC, Canada.

Amateur radio volunteers greatly contribute year after year to


A recent donation of a gently used commercial 2-bay folded dipole UHF antenna was made to NORAC.



The following minutes are up for review and adoption at the April 19, 2018 meeting. Please review now and


The following minutes are up for review and adoption at the March 15, 2018 meeting. Please review now


The following minutes are up for review and adoption at the February 15, 2018 meeting. Please


Executive Summary

Our club's Yaesu System Fusion WiresX node is now on the air in digital mode,


As a silver-level sponsor of the Vernon Winter Carnival, NORAC provided parade coordination
