
Technical team members went to the VE7EGO site to sort out the power issues for the DR-2X


December 27-29, 2019 - Grid Square DO00ON


It felt like it was about time for another radio-themed camping trip.


Basic License Course - Feb-Apr 2020



About The Course:

The NORAC Amateur Radio Basic Qualifications


December 6-8, 2019 - Kelowna BC, Canada

This year's Big White Winter Rally was a challenging event.


Greetings all,

I finally put together a YouTube video of our trip up to the VE7EGO repeater site back


There are two traditional free-to-join mailing lists maintained in the region.

  1. NORAC (Google


Technical team members went to the VE7EGO site to check RFI on the HF bands. A remote HF



Technical team members went to the VE7EGO site and installed an AC relay for PiEGO's


Please pass on this info to all area Amateurs:

VE7RBJ on Okanagan Mountain – 145.490 -600 88.5 FM


November 7, 2019

NORAC's participation in the ARRL Field Day 2019 was a huge success. The official


November 5, 2019

Fred VA7UN (and his team of dedicated assistants) have been doing numerous tasks up


28 October 2019 afternoon

Texted Kevin (Commonage Bomb Patrol Official) to notify him of site


This article is a new attempt by the NORAC Executive for the upcoming year to briefly document all


The SunRype Okanagan Marathon took place October 20, 2019.

Jane VE7WWJ and Mike VE7KPZ from NORAC


As many of you know, NORAC is finally replacing IRLP node 1050's hardware with something brand new


For those of you who have not seen the latest picture of the new Okanagan Mountain installation of the former


Four NORAC members volunteered at the Pacific Forest Rally,



Technical team members went to the VE7EGO site to troubleshoot EVERYTHING. A recent electrical



Technical team members went to the VE7EGO site to troubleshoot the internet connection. A couple of


July 15, 2019

We have just completed the Field Day 2019 online Entry for the ARRL. Below are some of the
